Programming in C
HNBGU MCA Previous Question Paper 2019
Write a short note on top down modular design approach.
What are the characteristics of an algorithms? Write an
algorithm to find the sum of all the numbers betweeen 11 and
50 which are divisible by 3.
What are the different types of operators used in C
language? Also discuss the difference between the
associatively and precedence of operators.
Explain in detail about the constant, expression and
statements in C language.
What do you understand byy the nested looping? Wrire down
the applicaiton, where nested looping is used.
Define arrays. Write a program in C language to find out the
average of ten random numbers stored in an array.
What are the different types of functions used in C
language? Write a program in C to sort list of names of
students in an ascending order.
Define Recursion and write a program to print first 20
numbers of Fibonacci series using recursion.
Write a program using pointers in C to reverse the
characters of a string.
What do you mean by pre-processor directives? List and
explain with example its different categories
Explain the difference between Structure and Union. Create a
structure to specify the data of customers in a bank. The
data to be store is : Account number, Name and Balance in
account.Assuming maximumof 200 customers in the bank, write
a program to print the Account number and Name of the
customers with balance below 100 $.
What do you mean by dynamic memory allocation? Explain the
purpose of malloc() and calloc() functions with example in
What are the various types of files that can be created in C
language? Also give the syntax of different modes in which
these files can be used. Write a program in C language to
append some more text at the end of an existing text files.
Write a program to copy the contents of one file in to
another file.
Write notes on the following:
Write a C program to convert given decimal number into its
equivalent binary numbers.
Write a C program to find sum of elements in each row and column
of the given matrix and print the greatest of the same.
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