Artificial Intelligence Solved MCQ 2020-21 | BCA 5 semester | HNBGU

Artificial Intelligence Solved MCQ 2020-21

BCA 5 semester | HNBGU

  1. Artificial Intelligence is about. ......
    1. Playing a game on Computer
    2. Making a machine intelligent
    3. Programming on Machine with your own intelligence
    4. Putting your intelligence in Machine

  2. Who is known as the Father of AI ?
    1. Fisher Ada
    2. Alan Turing
    3. John McCarthy
    4. Allen Newell

  3. The application/applications of Artificial intelligence is/are :
    1. Expert Systems
    2. Gaming
    3. Vision Systems
    4. All of the above

  4. Among the given options, which search algorithm requires less memory ?
    1. Optimal Search
    2. Depth First Search
    3. Breadth-First Search
    4. Linear Search

  5. Which is true regarding BFS (Breadth First Search) ?
    1. BFS will get trapped exploring a single path
    2. The entire tree so far been generated must be stored in BFŞ
    3. BFS is not guaranteed to find a solution if exists
    4. BFS is nothing but binary first search

  6. Rule based system also known as ?
    1. Knowledge based system
    2. Mycin based system
    3. Human based system
    4. None of the above

  7. What is the form of knowledge representation ?
    1. IF-THEN
    3. IF-ELSE
    4. All of the above

  8. What among the following constitutes the representation of the knowledge in different forms ?
    1. Relational method where each fact is set out systematically in columns
    2. Inheritable knowledge where relational knowledge is made up of objects
    3. Inferential knowledge
    4. All of the above

  9. Which of the following includes major tasks of NLP ?
    1. Discourse Analysis
    2. Automatic Summarization
    3. Machine Translation
    4. All of the above

  10. How many Components of NLP are there ?
    1. 2
    2. 3
    3. 4
    4. 5

  11. Which of the following is used to mapping sentence plan into sentence structure ?
    1. Text planning
    2. Sentence planning
    3. Text Realization
    4. None of the above

  12. Which of the following is not a type of heuristic search method or informed search method ?
    1. Simulated Annealing
    2. A*
    3. Hill Climbing
    4. Iterative Search

  13. Which algorithm is used in the Game tree to make decisions of Win/Lose ?
    1. Heuristic Search Algorithm
    2. DFS/BFS Algorithm
    3. Greedy Search Algorithm
    4. Min/Max Algorithm

  14. In artificial intelligence, knowledge can 14. be represented as ....
    (I) Predicate Logic 
    (II) Propositional Logic 
    (III) Compound Logic 
    (IV) Machine Logic Codes : 
    1. Both I and II
    2. Only II
    3. Both II and III
    4. Only IV

  15. The inference engine works on.. .....
    1. Forward Chaining
    2. Backward Chaining
    3. Both (A) and (B)
    4. None of the above

  16. Which statement is valid for Heuristic function ?
    1. The heuristic function is used to solve mathematical problems.
    2. The heuristic function takes parameters of type string and returns an integer value.
    3. The heuristic function does not have any return type.
    4. The heuristic function calculates the cost of an optimal path between the

  17. When the resolution is called as refutation-complete ?
    1. Sentence is satisfiable
    2. Sentence is unsatisfiable
    3. Sentence remains the same
    4. None of the above

  18. What are Semantic Networks ?
    1. A way of representing knowledge
    2. Data structure
    3. Data type
    4. None of the above

  19. Graph used to represent semantic network is:
    1. Undirected graph
    2. Directed graph
    3. Directed Acyclic Graph
    4. Directed complete graph

  20. IF P THEN Q which is also equivalent to ?
    1. P!=Q
    2. P=>Q
    3. P<=Q
    4. P<=>Q

  21. Which can be converted to inferred equivalent CNF form ?
    1. Every sentence of propositional logic
    2. Every sentence of inference
    3. Every sentence of first order logic
    4. All of the above

  22. What is the other name of informed search strategy ?
    1. Simple search
    2. Heuristic search
    3. Online search
    4. None of the above

  23. What is the heuristic function of greedy best-first search ?
    1. f(n) ! = h(n)
    2. f(n) < h(n)
    3. f(n) = h(n)
    4. f(n) > h(n)

  24. Which search uses the problem specific knowledge beyond the definition of the problem ?
    1. Informed search
    2. Depth-first search
    3. Breadth-first search
    4. Uninformed search

  25. What is Contrapositive rule ?
    1. P -> Q
    2. Q → P
    3. ¬Q -> ¬P
    4. ¬ P -> ¬ Q

  26. What is Time complexity of Breadth First search algorithm ?
    1. B
    2. b^d
    3. b^2
    4. b^b

  27. Greedy search strategy chooses the node for expansion in
    1. Shallowest
    2. Deepest
    3. The one closest to the goal node
    4. Minimum heuristic cost

  28. What is disadvantage of greedy best first search ?
    1. This algorithm is neither complete, nor optimal
    2. It can get stock in loops. It is not optimal,
    3. There can be multiple long paths with the cost s C*
    4. May not terminated and go on infinitely on one path

  29. Robotics is a branch of AI, which is 29. composed of :
    1. Electrical Engineering
    2. Mechanical Engineering
    3. Computer Science
    4. All of the above

  30. If a robot has k legs, then the number of possible events is :
    1. N= (2k - 2)
    2. N= (2k - 1)!
    3. N= (2^k- 1)!
    4. N= (2k - 2)!

  31. Name the wheel which is used to rotates around the wheel axle and around the contact :
    1. Castor wheel
    2. Standard wheel
    3. Swedish 45 degree
    4. Spherical wheel

  32. Which of the following statement concerning the implementation of robotic systems is correct ?
    1. implementation of robots CAN save existing jobs
    2. implementation of robots CAN create new jobs
    3. robotics could prevent a business from closing
    4. All of the above

  33. Which provides a framework for studying object recognition ?
    1. Learning
    2. Unsupervised learning
    3. Supervised learning
    4. None of the above

  34. Which are recognized by vision ?
    1. Objects
    2. Activities
    3. Motion
    4. Both Objects and Activities

  35. What enables people to recognize people, animals and inanimate objects reliable ?
    1. Speech
    2. Vision
    3. Hear
    4. Perception