Friday, 15 October 2021

Computer Fundamental Previous Year Question Paper 2012 | HNBGU BCA First semester

Computer Fundamental

HNBGU BCA Previous Question Paper 2012-13

    1. What is a Computer? Write its characteristics.

    2. What are the differences between second and third generation of computers.?

    1. What are the differences between compiler and interpreter?

    2. Explain computer organization with diagram. Also explain its units by giving example.

    1. What is a software? Explain all types of softwares.

    2. What are the differences between high level languages and low level languages?

    1. What are the differences between DOS and windows operating system?

    2. Explain internal and external DOS commands by giving examples.

    1. What are the differences between PROM and EPROM.

    2. What are the differences between optical disk and hard disk?

    3. What are the differences between impact and Non impact printers.

    4. What are the differences between OCR and bar code reader

    1. Explain all types of digital computers.

    2. What are the differences between analog and digital computers?

    1. What is MS word? Write down the steps of mail merge to send one type of letters to number of peoples.

    2. What is MS Excel ? write down the steps to create macro to record information.

  1. Write short notes on the following:

    1. Virtual memory
    2. Cache memory
    3. MICR
    4. OCR
    5. Light pen
    6. Touch screen
    7. VDU

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