Programming in C Previous Year Question Paper 2013 | HNBGU BCA First semester

Programming in C

HNBGU BCA Previous Question Paper 2013-14

    1. Explain the basic structure of C program.

    2. Define C tokens and explain it with examples

    1. Write a programme to find the factorial of any number using recursion function.

    2. Write a C programme to find the reverse of any number.

    1. Explain the various data types with example.

    2. Write a C program to multiply two matrix.

    1. What are various functions used in C programming? Explain it with examples.

    2. Differentiate between the following:
           • Structure and Union
           • Call by value and call by reference

    1. Explain the various string operations with example.

    2. Write a programme to join the two strings without using string function.

    1. Define a structure, Create a structure that can describe a hotel with information as name, address, room, room charge.

    2. Write a programme to sort the elements of array using pointer.

  1. Write short notes on any four of following.

    1. Various operator in C
    2. Pointer to function
    3. Storage classes
    4. C preprocessor
    5. Multidimensional arrays
    6. Decision making statement