Environmental Education Solved MCQ Paper 2020-21
B. Ed Third Sem | HNBGU
इन्हें भी पढ़ें:
लिंग स्कूल एवं समाज Solved MCQ 2021
निर्देशन एवं परामर्श Solved MCQ 2021
समावेशी विद्यालय का सृजन Solved MCQ 2021
ज्ञान एवं पाठ्यक्रम Solved MCQ 2021
Gender School and Society Solved MCQ 2021
Environmental Education Solved MCQ 2021
Guidance and Councelling Solved MCQ 2021
Knowledge and Curriculum Solved MCQ 2021
- B.Ed topics in Easy Language
Which power project was damaged in Uttarakhand due to avalanche on 7 Feb.. 2021?
- Tapovan-Vishnugad Hydel project
- Rishi Ganga Hydel Project
- None of the above
Measure to conserve the Biodiversity is :
- National Parks
- Sanctuaries
- Zoological Gardens
Environmental Studies is a/an :
- Intradisciplinary Studies
- Transdisciplinary Studies
- Multidisciplinary Studies
The Indian Government has launched 4. National Biogas Development Project in :
- 1982
- 1978
- 1989
The term Biological Diversity' was first given by:
- Volter G. Rosen (1982)
- Norse and McManus (1980)
- Norse and McManus (1981)
In a grassland ecosystem, pyramid of biomass is:
- Linear
- Inverted
- None of the above
Indian Meteorological Department Headquarters is situated at:
- Lucknow
- Chennai
- Hyderabad
Ecological succession can be caused due to:
(a) overgrazing (b) soil erosion (c) human activities such as-farming, construction
- (a) and (b)
- (a) and (c)
- (b) and (c)
An estuary is a body of the water formed where:
- marine water from rivers and streams flows into the ocean, mixing with the seawater.
- Above both are correct.
- None of (a) and (b) is correct.
Genetic Diversity refers to:
- variety of different types of life on earth.
- distribution of species and ecosystems in a geographic space.
- All of the above
The branch of philosophy that is concerned natural with "the environmental and humans' place within it", is called as:
- Environmental education
- Environmental theology
- Ecology
The components of Environment can be categorized/classified as:
- Physical, Biological and Social Components
- Physical, Biological Social and Cultural Components
- Physical, Biological, Social, Cultural and Psychological Components
The area of Environmental Education includes:
- formal education
- non-formal education
- None of the above
Environmental Engineering is the study :
- concerned with the environmental disturbance and minimization of their impacts through changes in society.
- of the technical processes which are used to minimize the pollution and the assessment of impact of these on environment.
- of the processes in air, water, soil and organisms which lead to pollution.
PM Narendra Modi launched Clean India campaign on :
- 2nd October, 2015
- 2nd October, 2016
- 2nd October, 2017
The international agreement that aimed to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and the presence of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere was adopted in :
- Kyoto, Japan, 1995
- Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1999
- None of the above
Agroforestry is a a land management system, the needs of Agroforestry in present context:
- To supply food to increasing population
- To cater the need of high demand of fodder
- To conserve the environment by reducing the effect of global warming
Indian Soil is ...... in nature.
- Red Soil
- Black Soil
- Allevial Soil
The cause of threats to biodiversity is :
- Degradation/pollution
- Habitat loss
- Discases
In an ecotone, the species which become abundant are called:
- Endemic species
- Endangered species
- Keystone species
Wildlife Week is celebrated on:
- 15th October to 21st October
- Ist June to 7th June
- 15th June to 21st June
The aim of adult education is to provide:
- Environmental
- Consciousness
- Both (a) and (b)
India has different types of climate and topography in different parts of the country and this has led to variations in flora and fauna. Therefore, India has been classified into:
- 9 biogeographic zones
- 11 biogeographic zones
- 8 biogeographic zones
The cause of environmental degradation is the:
- Environmental hazards
- Environmental pollution
- Environmental disasters
Wangari Maathai, Nobel Prize Winner in The field of Environment Protection, was related to :
- Chipko Movement
- Appiko Movement
- Green Accounting
Choose the correct one:
- Environmental Impact Assessment was first introduced by NEPA, 1969 (United States Environmental Law)
- Both (a) and (b)
- None of the above
Demographic Transition occurs in :
- Transitional and industrial phases.
- Pre-industrial, post-industrial and transitional phases.
- Preindustrial, transitional, industrial and post-industrial phases.
Eco-mark (Select the correct one):
- is certification mark for environment friendly products.
- in India provided by Bureau of Indian standards.
- was started in 1991 in India.
First Indigenous Vaccine developed for COVID-19 :
- COVAXIN, Serum Institute.
- COVAXIN, Zydus Cadila
- COVAXIN, Indian Immunologicals
Zero Population Growth is :
- Birth + Immigration < Death + Emigration
- Birth + Immigration > Death + Emigration.
- Birth - Emigration = Death - Immigration
Deforestation results into:
- (a), (b) and (c)
- (b), (c) and (e)
- (c), (d) and (e)
(a) Loss of animal and plan habitats (b) Increases Green House Gases (c) Water Cycle Disturbance (d) Soil Erosion and Flooding (e) Homelands Destruction of Indigenous Tribes
The theme for World Environment Day 5 June, 2021 will be :
- Ecosystem Sensitivity
- Ecosystem Diversity
- Ecosystem Pollution
The most deleterious effect of shifting cultivation is on :
- Animal disturbance
- Poor family income
- Weed growth
In India forest research was commenced after establishment of Forest Research Institute Dehradun in the year ...........
- 1986
- 1896
- 1926
World Forestry Day is celebrated on :
- 16 September
- 21 March
- 22 March
इन्हें भी पढ़ें:
लिंग स्कूल एवं समाज Solved MCQ 2021
निर्देशन एवं परामर्श Solved MCQ 2021
समावेशी विद्यालय का सृजन Solved MCQ 2021
ज्ञान एवं पाठ्यक्रम Solved MCQ 2021
Gender School and Society Solved MCQ 2021
Environmental Education Solved MCQ 2021
Guidance and Councelling Solved MCQ 2021
Knowledge and Curriculum Solved MCQ 2021
- B.Ed topics in Easy Language
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