Tuesday, 24 October 2023

HNBGU PHD Entrance Exam Research Methodology 2022-23 Solved MCQ

HNBGU Ph.D Entrance Examination 2022-23

Research Methodology Solved MCQ

hnbgu phd entrance exam research methodology solved mcq
  1. Part of social reserach is :
    1. Laboratory
    2. Field experiment
    3. Survey reserach
    4. All of the above

  2. Research that is carried out to understand an event from the past is known as:
    1. experimental research
    2. historical research
    3. replication reserach
    4. archival research

  3. A method of sampling that ensures proportional representation of all sections of a population is technically called:
    1. Quota Sampling
    2. Systematic Sampling
    3. Snowball Sampling
    4. Stratified Sampling

  4. Which of the following is an example of a continuous variable?
    1. Achievement Score
    2. Gender
    3. Socio-economic status
    4. Local

  5. Which of the following reserach is called as practitioner based research?
    1. Action research
    2. Case Study
    3. Narrative Analysis
    4. Ethnography

  6. Educational Reserach are mostly considered under which of the following?
    1. Applied
    2. Fundamental
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above

  7. Which of teh following does not apply to qualitative research?
    1. Data are often words and pictures.
    2. Uses the inductive scientific method.
    3. Ends with a statistical report.
    4. Involves direct and personal contact with participants.

  8. Which one of the following may be consideres as the best source of the formulation of a reserach problem?
    1. Consulting the research supervisor
    2. Holding a discussion with librarian
    3. Reflecting on reserach articles reported in journal
    4. Reflecting on the problems of education.

  9. Internal and external criticism is associated with which type of reserach ?
    1. Action Research
    2. Descriptive Research
    3. Experimental Research
    4. Historical Research

  10. Every reserach project should make a contribution:
    1. To the reseracher's development
    2. Financially
    3. To Knowledge
    4. In terms of methodology

  11. The reserach method which focuses on establishing causal relationships with control among variables independent, moderator and dependent is called:
    1. Ex-post facto method
    2. Survey method
    3. Case study method
    4. Experimental method

  12. Research ethics has a direct connection with which stage of reserach?
    1. Problem formulation and reporting of reserach findings.
    2. Defining and delimiting the socpe of reserach
    3. Defining the population and deciding the sampling technique of reserach
    4. Deciding about statistical techniques and data analysis

  13. Plagiarism in reserach is :
    1. Creative use of previous data
    2. Copying unscrupulously and making use of it
    3. Quoting someone and citing him/her
    4. Referring to previous data and working over it with new objective.

  14. The important pre-requisites of a reseracher in Sciences, Social Sciences and Humanities are:
    1. Laboratory skills, records, supervisor, topics
    2. Supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience
    3. Archives, supervisor, topic, flexibility.
    4. Topic, supervisor, good temperament, perceived notions.

  15. Ex-post facto reserach means:
    1. The research which is carried out after the incident.
    2. The research carried out prior to the incident
    3. The research is carried out along with the happening of and incident.
    4. The research is carried out keeping in mind the possibilitied of and incident.

  16. Interpretivism paradigm is related to which kind of reseraches?
    1. Quantitative
    2. Qualitative
    3. Mixed Method
    4. Critical Theory analysis

  17. In Case of type-II error which statement is true?
    1. A true hypothesis is accepted.
    2. A false hypothesis is rejected.
    3. A true hypothesis is rejected.
    4. A false hypothesis is accepted.

  18. The preparation fo research proposal should start with:
    1. Tools techniques of data collection
    2. An overview of area proposed under study
    3. Research methodology
    4. Sampling techniques

  19. In educational reserach, case study method gives importance to:
    1. Prediction
    2. Casual connection
    3. Generalization
    4. Unique characteristics.

  20. The 'sociogram' technique is used to study:
    1. Vocational interest
    2. Professional competence
    3. Human relations
    4. Achievemetn motivation

  21. What type of validity is most needed in an Achievement Test
    1. Construct Validity
    2. Concurrent Validity
    3. Content Validity
    4. Predictive Validity

  22. The square of standard deviation is called:
    1. Percentages
    2. Percentile
    3. Variance
    4. Covariance

  23. Which one of the following is an indication of teh quality of a reserach journal?
    1. Impact factor
    2. h-index
    3. g-index
    4. i10-index

  24. Which of teh following is the first step in starting the reserach process?
    1. Searching sources of information
    2. Searching for a solution to the problem
    3. Identification of a broad area of research
    4. Survey of related literature

  25. Which of the following statements is true for the relationship between the reliability and validity of research tools?
    1. A reliable test is always valid.
    2. A valid test must be reliable.
    3. A reliable test is never valid.
    4. A valid test may not be reliable.

  26. When a researcher includes those individuals in his sample who are willing and are readily available, the sampling technique is called:
    1. Incidental Sampling
    2. Snowball Sampling
    3. Quota Sampling
    4. Simple Random Sampling

  27. The major objective of a qualitative reserach study is to :
    1. Understood a process or concept
    2. Explain variation in measurement
    3. Predict relationship
    4. Study group-difference

  28. Internal criticism of historical data refers to :
    1. Establish the authenticity of the data source
    2. Establish the validity of the content of the data
    3. Both a and b
    4. None of the above

  29. Which of the following types of studies results in finding which could not be generalized to other situations?
    1. Descriptive
    2. Historical
    3. Causal-comparative
    4. Experimental

  30. When a researcher checks the genuineness and authenticity of the source material, it is known as .....
    1. External criticism
    2. External validity
    3. Internal consistency
    4. Concurrent validity

  31. A researcher studied teh census data for a given area and prepared a write up based on them. Such a write up is called:
    1. Reserach paper
    2. Article
    3. Thesis
    4. Reserach Report

  32. Use of bibliography in research report:
    1. Is a marker of knowledge of research.
    2. Helpsin futher research
    3. Makes a work authentic.
    4. None of teh above

  33. ...... is not a type of research question.
    1. A hypothesis
    2. Predicting an outcome
    3. Evaluating a phenomenon
    4. Developing good practice.

  34. .... is not a data collection method.
    1. Research question
    2. Unstructured interviewing
    3. Postal survey questionnaire
    4. Participant' observation

  35. An example of scientific knowledge is:
    1. Laboratory and field experiment.
    2. Social traditions and customs
    3. Authority of teh Prophet or great men.
    4. Religious scriptures

  36. Longitudinal reserach approach deals with:
    1. Horizontal research
    2. Long-term research
    3. Short-term research
    4. None of the above

  37. In order to augment the accuracy of the study, a researcher......
    1. Should be honest and unbiased
    2. should increase the size of the sample
    3. Should keep the variance high
    4. All of the above

  38. Which of the following are associated with behavioural observation?
    1. Non-verbal analysis
    2. Linguistic analysis
    3. Spatial analysis
    4. All of the above

  39. Survey study aims at (i) knowing facts about the existing situation, (ii) comparing the present status with the standard norms, (iii) criticising teh existing situation, (iv)identifying the means of improving the existing situation:
    1. (i) and (ii) only
    2. (i),(ii),(iii) and (iv)
    3. (ii) and (iii) only
    4. (i),(ii) and (iii) only

  40. The validity and reliability of a research will be at stake when:
    1. The incident was reported after a long period of time from that of its occurrence.
    2. The author who is the source of information is biased, incompetent or dishonest.
    3. Neither (a) nor (b)
    4. Both (a) and (b)

  41. Which of teh following reserach methodologies, manipulation and control of variables and randomization of sample are of the basic necessities?
    1. Ex-post facto research
    2. Descriptive research
    3. Case Study research
    4. Experimental research

  42. How to judge the depth of any research?
    1. By research objectives
    2. By duration of a research
    3. By the title of a research
    4. By total expenditure of a research

  43. Who can successfully conduct research?
    1. One who has reasoning ability.
    2. One who possesses post-graduation degree.
    3. One who is hard worker.
    4. One who has studied research methodology.

  44. Which is the research methodology predominantly used to study cultural anthropology?
    1. Panel discussion
    2. Focus group discussion
    3. Interview
    4. Participant observation/li>

  45. A research selects a probability sample of 100 of the total population. It is:
    1. A cluster sample
    2. A random sample
    3. A Systematic sample
    4. A Stratified sample

  46. While writing research report a researcher .....
    1. Must not use the numerical figures in numbers in the beginning of sentences.
    2. Must compare his results with those of the other studies.
    3. Must arrange it in logical and chronological order.
    4. All of the above

  47. In a research report a researcher should .....
    1. Compare his results with other studies
    2. Not use the numerical figures in numbers in the beginning of sentences
    3. Arrange it in logical, topical and chronological order
    4. All of the above

  48. Which technique is generally followed when a population is finite?
    1. Area sampling technique
    2. Purposeful sampling technique
    3. Systematic sampling technique
    4. None of the above

  49. Validity of a research can be improved by:
    1. Taking the true representative sample of teh population
    2. Eliminating extraneous factors
    3. Both of the above measures
    4. None of the above

  50. "Sociogram" technique is used to study.....
    1. Vocational interest
    2. Human relations
    3. Professional competence
    4. Achievement motivation

नोट: यदि आपको इस प्रश्नपत्र के किसी भी उत्तर में कोई संशय होता है तो आप हमें टिप्पणी अनुभाग या कांटेक्ट पेज में जाकार अपना उत्तर पुष्टि के साथ भेज सकते हैं हम इस आधार पर उत्तर में बदलाव किया जा सकता है
(यदि  आप  किसी  प्रश्नपत्र का हल चाहतें हैं तो कांटेक्ट पेज में जाकार आप हमें प्रश्न पत्र ईमेल द्वारा भेज सकते हैं आपको  सीघ्र ही  इस वेबसाइट पर हल  प्रश्न  प्रदान कर दिया  जायेगा .)

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